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Quick Start

  1. Add Norm’s Gradle plugin to your data-access project in case of a multi-module project, or to the root project

     plugins {
         id 'com.medly.norm' version '0.0.6'
  2. Configure the plugin.

     norm {
         jdbcUrl = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/postgres"
         username = "postgres"
         password = ""
         inputDir = file("src/main/sql")
         outDir = file("src/main/gen")
         basePath = file("src/main/gen")

    The database jdbcUrl, username, and password here refer to local PostgreSQL instance. Also it is highly recommended to use a schema migration utility like Liquibase or Flyway to manage schema versioning.

  3. Create a sql file in inputDir under a directory path which should reflect our package name e.g com/foo/person-by-age.sql

     SELECT * FROM persons WHERE AGE > :age;
  4. Generate the kotlin code using the gradle task

     $ ./gradlew normCodegen
  5. Access the database. we should inject the datasource object using IoC framework like Spring or Micronaut.

       datasource.connection.use { connection ->
           FindPersonQuery().query(connection, FindPersonParams("28"))
       }.forEach {